miércoles, 20 de mayo de 2020

English time

Wednesday 20th May 2020.

bienvenida-imagen-animada-0088  Good morning boys and girls, today we are going to work on numbers and we are going to review the present continuous with Muzzy. Hoy vamos a repasar el presente continuo, vamos a trabajar también la escritura correcta de los números y además haremos un pequeño dictado.

1. Let´s review the numbers with this video.

Choose the correct spelling for these numbers. Copy the number and its correct spelling. Copia el número y su forma escrita correcta.
43  forty three / fourty three
80 eighteen / eighty
39 thirty nine/ therty nine
56 fivety six/ fifty six   Answers

2. Look at these pictures from Muzzy English and match every picture with the correct sentence.

1. She is reading a map.
2.He is riding a motorbike.
3. He is pointing at a lemon.
4.He is looking at peaches.   

3. Follow my instructions to do this spelling dictation about animals. 

Estas actividades no son obligatorias, son de refuerzo y extensión.



Have a really good day!

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