lunes, 4 de mayo de 2020

English time

Tuesday 5th May 2020

Good morning. Today we are going to practice spelling.
letra-imagen-animada-0235 Spelling is about forming words from letters.
To spell words we have to work on the alphabet first and we have to know how to spell vowels. Vamos a practicar el deletreo de palabras, spelling es el deletreo. Mirad estos video sobre el alfabeto en inglés y las vocales en particular.

1. Watch the videos and repeat after me.

                                                         The Alphabet


2. Watch this video on how to spell words. Mira este video sobre cómo deletrear.

3. Now get ready for a dictation. You need a pencil, an eraser and you notebook or a piece of paper.
Listen to my audio. I am going to spell 5 words and you will write every letter to build up those 5 words. Te voy a deletrear 5 palabras escríbelas y corrigelas.

4.  Read this poem about the month of May and listen to the poem as well. After that answer the question. Lee el poema, luego escúchalo y finalmente contesta a la pregunta.

Question: how do you spell May?


Have a really nice day!


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