lunes, 11 de mayo de 2020

English time

Monday 11th May 2020

Good morning let´s work on spelling and on measures. Vamos a trabajar spelling deletreo y medidas.
1. Sing this song to review the spelling of the alphabet. Canta esta canción para repasar el abecedario.

2. Now watch this video on how to spell words.  Mira este vídeo con ejemplos de deletreo.                                                                          

3. Now I am going to dictate 5 words by spelling them. Please, listen and write then in the notebook or on a piece of paper. Copy the date. Voy a dictarte 5 palabras deletreandolas, escribelas en tu cuaderno o en una hoja. Copia la fecha.

Spelling dictation Answers Respuestas.

4. Now we are going to continue reading about measures and we will measure people. 
Open your nook of english on p.91 Hacemos el ejercico n 1 p 91

Read excercice 1 p 91. 
Answer the question How tall ara Noa and Jim in the notebook. Mide y completa en tu cuaderno.
Write: Noa is .................metre tall.
Jim is ......................metre tall.
See the answers Respuestas
5. Now use a tape measure to measure how tall you are. Midete con una cinta métrica.
Write: I am ..........metre tall.
Os proponemos unas actividades extra que son voluntarias:
Write True or false. Lee y escribe verdadero o falso.
1. A person can be 3 metres height.
2. A cat is 25 centimetres long.
3. A tree can be 7 metres height.
4. A finger is 1 metre long.

Watch the video about the tallest tree. Video sobre el árbol más grande.

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