miércoles, 22 de abril de 2020

Social Science

Wednesday 22nd April 2020

1.Good moring, let´s start the day with a song that you like.

2. Please work on this activity. Invent a country with a beatiful map.
Show it back in the school, you don´t have to send it as an email. NO hace falta mandar la tarea al email. Siue el ejemplo para inventar tu propio país. NO olvides ningún dato en la leyenda del mapa.

Inventa un país.
 No olvides ninguna de estas cosas:
  • Name of the country.
  • The Key with: all the symbols and one capital city, two normal cities, a river, a road, a railway, borders with other countries, monuments and the scale.
  • Please write the distance in km betwwen the capital city and another city following your scale, use a ruler.
  • Añade el texto de debajo que está en negrita: My country is Malmock, Rac is the capital city...
  • En el libro de Social Science podéis consultar las p 48 y 49 para realizar el ejercicio.

This is my example:

My country is Malmok.
Rac is the capital city.
Prum is another city.
Malmock is 400 km far from Prum because my scale is 1cm= 100 km.
There are bordres, monuments, roads, a railway and a river, river Loc.

Enjoy the rest of the day!!

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