martes, 24 de marzo de 2020

Tuesday 24th March 2020

1.- It’s spring time. Spring started last week.
How is your seed?, were you able to see how it germinates? If you want you can send a photo of your experiment to my e-mail address:
Mándanos una foto de tu semilla germinando al correo.

2.- Now open your Natural Science Book pages 50-51. We are going to learn about some interesting plants:
The NON-FLOWERING plants. (las plantas sin flor)
Some NON-FLOWERING plants: moss (musgo) and ferns (helechos).
They do not have flowers, fruit or seeds(semillas) but they do have SPORES (esporas).
Spores are usually brown.
Fungi (los hongos, setas y champiñones) also have spores.

Let’s listen to page 50

5.- Song Dani number 6 SLIDE
Today we are all dancing with Dani song number 6: SLIDE. 
Escucha la canción 6 y sigue los gestos.

6.- Milton. This week you have to read some books on PRESENT CONTINUOUS.
Mira tus deberes de Milton, lee los libros en "Asigments".

Have a nice day.
Stay healthy!! 

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