martes, 9 de junio de 2020

English time

Tuesday 9th June 2020.

nave-espacial-imagen-animada-0037 Today we are going to watch the last chapter of Muzzy´s adventure. And we are going to work on love and music.

1. Watch chapter 6.

Answer the questions:
1. Where is the king? he is IN ON UNDER the computer
2. Who hepls the King? ..................helps the king
3. Is Corvax flying a plane or a hellicopter? Corvax is flying a................

2. Vamos a trabajar las letras mayúsculas y la tipografía grande. Mirad el video.

3. Sing and dance
Repasamos las acciones:
Dance: baila
Step: da un paso
Wave your hands: balancea tus brazos
March: marcha
Spin round: gira
Hop: salta
Jump: salta
Run: corre
Snap: muerde
Clap your hands: da palmas

Have a really good day!

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