Today it is rainy and cold. It is spring.
1. Watch this video to understand What are you doing? Mira el video para comprender la estructura What are you doing?
2. Open your book of english on p. 85 Abre el libro de inglés p .85
Do exercice n.1 p 85 Haz el ejercicio 1p 85
Answers respuestas.
3. Take a picture of you doing one of these things and send it to the teachers´ email. Please write the question and what you are doing. Or you can use an old picture, but include the question What are you doing? and the answer I am ...... Follow my example. Hazte una foto haciendo una de estas actividades y mándanosla al email de las profes. Por favor, sigue el ejemplo, pon la pregunta arriba y la respuesta abajo. También puedes utilizar una foto antigua y añadirle la pregunta What are you doing? y la respuesta que será una frase de las de abajo.
What are you doing?
I am riding my scooter.
I am flying on a plane.
I am riding my scooter.
I am driving my car.
I am saling a boat.
I am driving a taxi.
I am flying on a helicopter.
I am driving my bus.
I am riding my motorbike.
I am driving a lorry.
I am skateboarding.
I am riding my bike.
I am riding a horse.
Have a nice day!!!